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China-France Plant Phenomics Center is established
Contact person: Release date: 2018-11-07

In October 2018, Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) and French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for The Intention of Jointly Establishing a China-France Plant Phenomics Center, which is a symbol mark of the establishment of China-France Plant Phenomics Research Center (CFPPC).


Vice President Yanfeng DING from NAU and Vice President Jean-François SOUSSANA from INRA

Plant Phenomics Research Center (PPRC) in NAU, not only devotes itself to the construction of Chinese national plant phenomics facilities, but also promotes the international cooperation on plant phenomics research.

French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), is a top agricultural research institute in Europe and the world’s number two center for the agricultural sciences. The INRA scientists are working towards solutions for society’s major challenges. The specialties include food, nutrition, agriculture and the environment.


COPYRIGHT ©  Plant Phenomics Research Center (PPRC),Nanjing Agricultural University

No. 1, Weigang, NanjingJiangsu Province, China 210095